trematodon Best buddies of the moss world! Bristle moss (an O At an urban park in Columbus (central Ohio USA --T Ciliate hoarmoss (yes that's what iNaturalist call Let's get pedantic about lichens! This is Porpidia Rhynchostegium serrulatum is a shiny somewhat flat Had a great time yesterday with the best-ever natu Had a great time yesterday with the best-ever natu With UV flashlight in hand, I walked the length of Had a great time Thursday with the best-ever natur These are sporophytes of "four-toothed moss," Tetr Seen on our dog walk tonight: Jack-o-lantern liche If you squint it kind of looks like a map of last On a mission to refresh some of the images in the On a mission to refresh some of the images in the Spoon-leaved moss, Bryoandersonia illecebra, is a It means that the branch is smoothly cylindric, th Fissidens is a genus of flat mosses, featherlike, The undersurface of the leafy liverwort Porella lo This old wooden sign has seen better days, right? This old wooden sign has seen better days, right? Load More... Follow on Instagram